The Best Skills for the Post-Pandemic Business World Are the Soft Ones

Work in the time of COVID requires max humanity.

Brian Abbey
8 min readSep 19, 2021
Drawing of smiling woman at desk with computer and coffee.
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay

Weird. The world is weird. We read headlines about ‘the new normal,’ but this new normal wasn’t normal before, which is why it’s weird.

We got back to business, sort of. We Zoom, we Slack, we try to read between the lines of the WhatsApp group. Some of us go into an office. Some of us wear masks. We have a new normal now. We have weird, and when things get weird in the workplace, we need to adapt. We need to problem-solve. We need to communicate and work together.

We need soft skills to thrive in the new normal, which makes sense, even though a lot of stuff is weird.

What are soft skills, human?

Soft skills are the non-technical, non-businessy skills we use all the time at work and home — resolving conflict, influencing people, managing our time, expressing empathy. These kinds of skills contribute more to the success of our lives than does our ability to make a pivot table or read a balance sheet.

According to Deloitte, “Soft skill-intensive occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs by 2030.



Brian Abbey

expat, ex-philosopher, ex-entrepreneur writing on society, relationships, & AI singularities. VICE, Salon, & misc humor sites @brianabbey